Thursday, September 26, 2013

I love these two boys! Attacking each other with kisses. Or rather Big brother crushing Little Brother and Little Brother screaming at Big Brother to leave him alone.
I think I like calling it a kiss attack better.

They do tend to leave their toys on my floor and try on all my jewelry and then leave it on the floor.

 And then they make faces at you in the car and all is forgotten, for now.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Space Needle.

So happy! I finally got to go to the top of the Space Needle last weekend! I've always wanted to and while for some reason the whole time I was at the top I kept wondering why I had thought it would seem a lot higher off the ground than it did, I still really enjoyed it.

I took a picture of myself with (most of) the Space Needle in the background just like everyone else was doing, apparently that's the thing to do there.

This picture is one of the pictures I took while up in the Needle. It was gray and foggy that day.

Anddddd another picture from the Needle.

After we came back to the ground we went walking towards what we thought was the big fountain that my sister-in-law, Elisabeth had told us about since the two little boys (Gideon and Zeke) had liked playing in it last time they had come to the Space Needle. We never found the fountain, where Elisabeth had thought it was there now stood a football stadium...but we did find an awesome maze that we then decided to run. Elisabeth made it all the way, I did not. I had to stop halfway through to cough for 5 minutes (not joking) thus this picture. Elisabeth, exhausted. Autumn, smiling for the camera.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Dishes in the bathtub

Due to water leaking from the kitchen sink and dishwasher I moved the dishes over to the bathroom and learned how to wash dishes in the bathtub.  Not something I ever thought I would ever end up doing.

Got my room almost all set up. First thing I unpacked was my nail polish which I placed on the window still just like my old room. I'm going to pretend that I don't have an absurd amount of nail polish...I also got my desk all set up, which is awesome since I've never had one before and was looking forward to having a desk all to myself to put random stuff on.

I'm going to post a picture of my room once I have it all figured out and there is no one in it talking or playing with me which is rarer then you would think. Which is a good thing, can you imagine how lonely it would be if no one was in your room ever!?! 

Well...that's all I can think of to post right now. I'm sure I'll be back soon with lots more pictures! :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Today I went out to the garage where I have most of my stuff packed and got rid of another bag of clothes. This is not the first time I've done this in the last month and I'm sure I'll go through all my stuff one last time tomorrow before I leave. When I first started packing I thought I was good and only had a smallish amount of clothes...surprise surprise, I had/have a ton.
My goal is to be able to pack all my clothes and stuff into the back of our Subaru Forster so that both my parents, a friend and I can all fit and I think I can now after getting rid of lots of stuff. Mostly shoes. It's hard when you have 50 pairs of shoes. But I'm so glad I'm getting rid of all of my extra clothes and stuff. It really needed to be done. While going through the 100th dress and taking 5 minutes to decide if I really needed it I came to that conclusion.
I can't believe that I'm moving to Seattle on Friday. I've been thinking about this move since the beginning of this year. It's so unreal that the time has finally come! I'm sad to leave all my friends and family but I can't wait for this adventure to begin!
I'll try my best to keep this blog updated and with lots of pictures of my adventures in Seattle while watching my two adorable nephews!