Saturday, May 17, 2014

Wandering thoughts.

Some days I wake up and realize that this is a day the Lord has made for me to enjoy. I shall rejoice and be glad.

Some days I wake up and know that this is a day the Lord has made for me to enjoy. I should rejoice and be glad. Instead, I roll back over, cover my head with my blanket and imagine what would happen if I just decided to not get out of bed that day.

Sometimes I feel like the latter happens more. I don't know why. I think I get overwhelmed with everything. I think I like to pretend that I can be an adult with all the pluses of being one but without having all the responsibility's. Still being able to decide to get up an hour or two after my alarm and not be late for work. To decide not to clean my room. To decide not to take a shower until my parents tell me I have to.
Sometimes I think I would prefer to be a little child again. To be 8 and have not a care in the world. But then I remember, nope, I don't ever want to go back to that.
I had a good time being 8. I had loving parents. I had millions of fun things I could do. I wouldn't be who I am without those years.
But I'm so happy to be where I am right now.
I'm getting married in August. I'm marrying such an amazing man. The Lord has blessed me beyond measure.
I don't know how or if I can ever thank Him enough.
Maybe if I look at each day as a gift that I should live joyfully I'll get close.
God wants the best for me. Sometimes that means hardships. Right now that means joy. I should live my days remembering that. It won't always be so easy to be happy. If I can't be filled with joy now, when things are so good, will I be able to see the joy when things get tougher?
I pray I will.

Monday, January 27, 2014


Dressing Zeke up in his Piglet costume helps me think of Piglet as a boy. There is still a part of me that strongly believes that Piglet is really a girl. I was very sad the day I was told that Piglet and Rabbit were boys. I almost boycotted Pooh Bear. Which would have been terrible. Like, really horrible. Pooh Bear is the best.ever. Well...almost the best ever. You knew what I meant. Or so I can hope...

Look how old Zeke is. Such a toddler now. Such a little person already. So much trouble. So messy. So wonderful. He's almost worth the fact that he wakes me up like twice a night. Never mind. He's totally worth it. 

Gideon was trying to teach Zeke how to stand with his legs apart while standing on the coffee table. Gideon may or may not have failed. Zeke could not understand why he needed to learn to do so. He just wanted to dance on the coffee table.

Now I'm out of random pictures to show you. And I'm done writing random nothings. 
Zeke and I say goodbye until next time. 
We love you.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

I realized it's 2014...

...Only took me 11 days! ;)

2013 was an amazing year. It diffidently left it's mark. I graduated High School, got to witness one of my older brothers get married to his wonderful wife, spent summer mostly outside with the best of friends and family, gained a niece (first one!!) and a nephew, ate way too many otter pops, said goodbye to Eugene and moved to the big city of Seattle. 

I'm looking forward to what God has planned for me in 2014.

 Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
~ Colossians 3:14

Zeke and I say goodbye until next time! ;)